Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gile lapok perkembangan Nuaim - Nuaim @ 1 year 6 months

last perkembangan Nuaim ialah ketika nuim 6months??

what de??

Pagi-pagi celik mata tengok sms en.hubby..

"Moning yami..nuim da pande ckp bapa pg ni.heh"

and yesterday dia pandai cakap mama

siape dia panggil mama kat sana tu? i dunno..

dia panggil yadi en.hubby, bapak?

selamat belajar cakap sabah, Nuaim.. :D

Nuaim pon dah pandai tak dengar ckp org..semalam dia kene kurung dalam bilik sbb asik kacau kucing..
:) tak sabar tgu cuti sekolah! lagi 2 minggu...
tapi by that time Nuaim ada kat tawau..
Why I fly to KK when Nuaim at Tawau?
I failed to plan..

Friday, February 20, 2009

To my hubby

I know you are strugling like real hero there..juggling between new post and little Nuaim..with no permanent house and no easily internet connection..
I know how hard to handle little Nuaim when you reach home after long hours at work..
I know you use all your energy at work when you have to be as operation manager, operation/process/equip/maintenance engineer, technician, clerk, tukang angkat besi..
I know u laugh when I claimed I was exhausted when angkat buluh masa orientasi..while you have to angkat besi-besi..I forgot to check your six packs..was it still there?
Well, I just a young (errkk) woman with limited energy..I easily feel tired and moody after school..I wish I spent more quality time with you and Nuaim..
Accept my apology for what I have done to you and Nuaim..
I think I can be a better wife and mommy after this.
I will cook for you guys..
I learn to sew pyjamas for you guys..
I exercise a lot that I can play futsal with you guys later..aerobic, lari 2 padang, 4 padang, 6 padang, 2hrs tennis..cukup tak?

Well, this song is for you..

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be are the one Ill always love
You could be are the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one Ill always love

I’ll be there as soon as I can (16 March 9am)
But Im busy with my lectures and presentations and assignments
First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She He could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be are the one Ill always love

Ill be there as soon as I can (Isnin seawal 9 pagi yami sampai di KK)
But Im busy with crazy schedule to be a teacher
Ill be there as soon as I can (Tiket hari sabtu dan ahad mahal pulak)
But Im busy mending my future career
Before you